click your curser by the fish and leave them food to eat

September 26, 2008

Her name is Kenna

I love seeing a summer morning from my tiny back patio. I love the warmth of the sun, the freshness in the air, sitting there with my first cup of coffee, what could be better. I have a routine on such mornings. I hit the on button to the coffee maker, grab my Bible, pen and paper and head out back to my little garden plot. As the morning pot is brewing I like to make the most of my time so I water my flowers and the few veggies I have. The Impatients and Daisies are doing well, the tomatoes, not so good.

It was on such a morning as this when I first saw her, the homeless woman living behind the church.

I glance over the fence, which separates the two properties she was sitting in the small lean-to where the church stores their garbage cans. I say to myself, “there is a person sleeping over there”. That was as far as my concern went a simple acknowledgement of a fact. Back to my watering I go, oblivious to the plight of this person who had spent the night outdoors.

Now I like to think I live my life being obedient when the Lord prompts me to do something. I was proven wrong this particular morning when He decided to confront me. As I said I was oblivious, in my own little world when I heard Him say, “What are you going to do about it” It took me by surprise, I snapped back “What, Lord the homeless person?” and again he said “What are you going to do about it?”

“What am I suppose to do about it?” I whined. (no compassion lost here) “You have peanut butter don’t you?” “Great” I thought, I can see where this conversation is headed. “Yes, I have peanut butter” He didn’t have to answer me, I knew exactly what He wanted me to do. But in my deeply spiritual mature way I responded just like a kid not wanted to do their chores. “But God!” I whined once again. “this is my time with you, this is my quiet time, to enjoy my coffee and this wonderful summer morning!”

He ever so gently said “You will be spending time with me.”

So I hurried indoors I knew I had to now hurry if to get this lunch together if I was going to make it over to where this person was and then to work on time.
Still not having a great attitude I headed out the door prepared with two peanut butter sandwiches an orange and a bottle of water neatly tucked into a nice little paper sack. As I hesitantly walked towards this meager structure once again I whined to the Lord, “What on earth am I suppose to say to her?” What I heard made my selfish behavior crash down around me.

“Tell her I know she is there”

My self pity and my constant whining was overtaken by His compassion. I was deeply humbled and ashamed by my attitude.

“Good Morning” I said as I walked around the corner “I noticed you sitting over here, thought you might be hungry.” I wasn’t expecting the reaction I received from her. Turning away from me not wanting to look me in the eyes she burst into tears. She told me she had just been sitting there wondering what she was going to eat that day. My heart broke. I sat down next to her on the piece of cardboard she used as a bed. I began to share with her what the Lord had impressed upon me. That He knows she is there and He cares for her, she has not been forgotten.

Kenna is her name.

As we sat and talked, I couldn’t help but notice how the effects of living out in the elements has on a person. Her hands were extremely dirty, like a farmer who has worked the soil all day. Her hair was slicked back, I wondered when the last time it was that she took a hot shower. What upset me most was seeing the two threadbare blankets she used to keep warm. So much of this woman’s life seemed thread bare, on the verge of unraveling. Our conversation had to end short because I needed to go to work.

I left her there, in that place. It broke my heart but stirred my thoughts on what I could do to help. God was not done with her yet nor was he done with me.

to be continued;


Anonymous said...

Kelly Ann,
Nice to see you blogging again, I am very touched by your story about Kenna, have you seen her again since September?

Where I live on the Oregon Coast, the poor are very much desired to be 'invisible' they don't look so fine to the tourists--but there are many poor here, most of the homeless live in the next town over--when they do wander in to this small burg, it is my impression they are treated with scorn. Sad.

Will you would allow me to share this verse from Psalm 12:
"For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the LORD; I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him."

kelly ann said...

Thanks for stopping by Bj, yes I still her occasionaly. There will be more to the story once I get it done. One thing I have noticed since this is that there are a lot more homeless than one might realize. Even though there are some who want to stay under the radar most just want a break. And you can share scripture with me anytime.

Jules~ said...

My sweet friend, how I am moved by this story. You are amazing to me. You listen to God's nudging guidance and you have so much compassion. Because you listened, Kenna was hugged and blessed that day by the presence of God.

Have you ever visited Joni's blog? She visits a group of homeless people in her town every week and cooks a meal for them from her home.

kelly ann said...

Jules, isn't true that God nudges us at the most inopportune time, but if we listen and obey that it is when we are blessed. I will go vist Joni's site. Thanks dear friend

Joni said...

Kelly is a blessing to meet you. I loved your story about Kenna and like you I was being called to "listen and be obedient"...I had passed by groups of homeless people in my hometown countless times without thinking too much about where their next meal might come from when the next thing I knew I was cooking a meal and marching right in the middle of their camp (scared witless, but being brave with God's love). I have since been serving them (going on 4 months now) dinner every friday night and I am truly the one who has been blessed and here I was thinking I was helping them when all along God knew it was MY heart being opened.

If you see Kenna again, take time to hear her story, shake her hand and tell her how happy you are that God has allowed your paths to cross and then pray giving thanks for such a sweet blessing in both your days.

I'll be back to read the continued story...meanwhile, blessings to you ~

kelly ann said...

Joni, I have talked with Kenna many times. Hopefully you will get to read the follow up story. I am afraid though I have not been quite as brave as you.

I love being used by God in this way, unexpected and out of my comfort zone.
Blessings to you