click your curser by the fish and leave them food to eat

October 20, 2008


Being at Redman this past week brought back some sweet memories for me. Though I had never been to this part of Central Oregon, it reminded me of another time in my life. It was that certain smell in the air that took me back to my grandmother's place. My mind flooded with memories of my youth. Like playing on the dike that held back the Onkanogan River. The crispness of the air in the morning and the sounds of the gravel underneith my feet, reminded me of so many summers spent in Omak. Where all you ever had to worry about was what adventure you had that day. Days spent exploring every part of the area. I miss those times of freedom, where the restraints of jobs and responsibilities were a life time away.

1 comment:

Jules~ said...

Now of all things, those childhood memories remind me of a Calvin and Hobbs comic strip. I can just picture them talking about their important plans of doing nothing all day long and setting out for adventures in doing just that.

Isn't it amazing how the snse of smell can stir up so much?