click your curser by the fish and leave them food to eat

October 30, 2008

The end of another season

I sit here sighing as I realize how quickly another season is ending. No longer are there Saturday afternoon baseball games or casual walks after dinner. It will soon be to cold to go to the river to walk along its banks. There will be no more picnics with the family or day trips to the beach. Summer has ended and Fall barely lasted long enough for us to enjoy.

Even though Fall is beautiful with its vibrant colors, cool mornings and warm afternoon there seems to be such a sadness that descends upon nature as the trees lose their leaves. Everything is laid barren and brown as it waits for Winter to cover the ground with its blanket of snow. The cold Winter months will force us inside. And then the gloom will settle in like a thick fog.

Have you noticed that too many times we go through Winter like it is a time of darkness to our souls. With nothing to do but wait out the long cold harsh months for life to once again spring forth.

This year I chose for it not to affect me this way. What a wonderful time this will be. I plan on reading more since I never seem to have time for that in the summer. And my garden is going to be planned way in advance this year.

What I think I look forward to the most is that this will be a time of reflection. There is something about looking back before I look forward that has always appealed to me. It helps to keep things in perspective. It will be a time of taking personal inventory and a time of soul searching. Am I living my life to the fullest, am I doing all that I can do to achieve my goals? Am I becoming the person I am called to be?

I am not going to allow this season of wintry weather to be one of unfruitfulness. I plan on this being a time of abundance and profitability. I will grow and once again I will look forward to the next season of my life and of nature.

It will be a blessed time!


Mima said...

What a wonderful way to be approaching winter, with such positive goals about what you would like to achieve. I really hope that you manage everything that you have set out to.

We are very lucky in that our winters are not normally so extreme, it snows rarely, so it is quite exciting for us to have snow on the ground (and especially so for many of my carers who are South African and have not seen snow before).

kelly ann said...

Mima, We do not always get snow either, it is usually raining and dreary. Growing up in snow it is hard to imagine that people still have not seen it. Even here in the states I have met those for who it is still a rare sight. Hope you are doing well today.

Jules~ said...

What an amazing picture! I love the colors. Have I told you lately just how incredible you are? I love how you choose to look at things and ponder.

I am goofy but I look at each season with so much anticipation. I think the only thing I ever grumble about with the seasons is when it is super hot. Otherwise, I think each season is an adventure.
I don't quite know how to explain it but with winter, I look at the bare trees and frosted earth and I think about all that is going on beyond our vision. The life that is churning and cooking and the only way it can happen is by that frosted concentration time. I know there is a spiritual application in there but can't quite put it together beyond a mental picture.

Have a blessed day my friend.

Joni said...

I love winter...I think it is the perfect time to reflect on life. I always think of the trees as shedding their leaves to protect the flowers from frost and snow...just wanted to stop by and say hello...I love your idea of planning out next year's garden...have you ever kept a garden journal?