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November 14, 2009

The Heart

I think it is interesting when I decided to name this blog, Inside the Garden of my Heart.It is not just a title that sounds pretty good, (well to me anyway) I realize it means so much more to me than I first thought.

To be able to reach deep in the depths of your soul and pull out words to just remotely describe your feelings, well it has been more challenge than I ever would have imagined.

The heart is where every thing evolves. Who you are as a person is seen by what is in your heart.

How you react to people and circumstances around you is clearly shown by your heart condition.

Your ability to have relationship depends on how open your heart is.

I wanted to feel completly, I wanted to experiance life to the fullest, I wanted to learn what it meant to have a relationship with our Lord.

I couldn't do that because I had a wall around my heart. There was a dark corner where no one could see. I allowed my untrust in the Lord to get the better of me.

But God is gracious and a gentle God. And he kept showing me until I saw the errors of my ways. And there in that place I started to take the walls down.

The journey began.........

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