click your curser by the fish and leave them food to eat

December 31, 2009

what I pondered

One of the things I am aware of is how my life is wrapped around Jesus. I am nothing and I can do no good thing without him. The world around me with its sweet alluring falsehoods all its life draining temptations is trying to swallow me up. I can’t let this happen. The life walk as a Christian or better yet a friend of God is not always an easy path. It is hard not to be lured away. It shouldn’t be so easy to turn, I know that the God of the universe dances over me in love. He is the one whose thoughts are many towards me. How can I waver when he delights in every detail of my life? I want to be once again be consumed by His presence. I chose the path of the righteous and not the one of the world. I chose to run quickly away from the snare that would destroy me and into the arms of the one who loves me. I chose to be a daughter heir to the throne not another statistic of a lost soul. I chose life.

1 comment:

Jules~ said...

Amen! You are so amazing my precious friend!