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January 2, 2011

another day

Today is another day. Another good day. I went to write something down yesterday the first day of the year. And all I could write was that it was a good day. I thought I can't write that and only that, how dumb. But nothing else would come.

The first day of the New Year was just a good day
Spent a wonderful time with the Lord in my devotional time with him. Was blessed by how and what he spoke to me.

Got stuff done around my place.
Took a nap
Cleaned out my in box for all my e-mails.
Bake didn't turn out but that's ok.

It was not a history making day. Nothing overwhelming happened, but there was such a sense of satisfaction, such a sense of well being. Such a peace.

The first day of this New Year was just a good day

1 comment:

Jules~ said...

That is good. I like that you said it "was just a good day" with satisfaction, well being and peace.

Isn't it cool how God gave us the non monumental days as well as the rockin' you out of your chair history making kind of day. If we had the history making kind of days every day we would get numb and exhausted of them. Doing the things that you did means it won't be on your mind as a distraction for later when He does want to show you something more intense.

I sure do love you my friend. I was watching you today (not in a creepy stalker sort of way but as your friend lol) and thinking about what an amazing blessing you are to everyone you come in contact with.

Have a blessed week.