click your curser by the fish and leave them food to eat

March 30, 2008

Doing the Old Lady thing

I am not old, so what if I am on the other side of fifty, barely, I am not old. But I keep doing these old lady things. It is bad enough I walk into a room and immediately say "Why did I come in here?" I have gotten use to having to back track my steps to figure out that one.
But this last Friday takes the cake.

I went shopping on my lunch, I have to get out of the building where I work at the Post Office. Otherwise I am answering the phone or solving problems at the front counter. So here I am at Kohls. Just down the street from where I work. I get out of the car and make a mental note of where I am parked. (old lady thing) I am three spots from the handi-cap parking, with my car facing the door. Ok,I know where my car is parked, I can go in now. It was fun, picked up a couple of maternity tops for my daughter who is due in June and a new Faberware frying pan for myself. I was happy camper. Sometimes shopping is better than chocolate. Not as cheap though.

So I pay for my stuff and quickly head out the door. I only have an hour for lunch, Imust be getting back. I go straight to where the car should be parked. The third spot from the handi-cap one, facing the door. But there is no car. That's ok I am not going to panic yet, I calmly look up and down the rows of Mini-vans and Suv's, Expecting to see my little car at any moment. But mine is no where to be found. Ok now I start to panic, just a little. I have all these thoughts going through my head at once as I am standing there in the spot where my car should be. "How am I going to get back to work?" "WHY on earth would any one want to steal my Chevy Prizm.?" "Oh no! Do I even remember my license plate number?" Ok now I am ready to loose it. That sick feeling settles in my stomach. Ok I have to do it, I have to call the police and let them know. "Oh Lord please don't let me cry when I am talking to the cops."I pick up my cell phone, I have to do it, I have to dial 911. But then I thought "ok just maybe I parked on the OTHER side of the building." I guess I have nothing to loose but to go and looked before I make "the call"

Oh brother..............there it is...... my the third spot from the handi-cap one......facing the door. But is the the door on the EAST side of the building.......not the NORTH. And as I look at the door and the outside of the building, it looks EXACTLY the same.

Good Lord, how can I be such an idiot. So driving back to work I decided I needed to be a responsible shopper and write Khols. After all I am sure I am not the only person this has happened to. There should be some kind of shopper law that states both sides of your building can not look the same. They could have at the very least painted one of the doors red.

My life continues.......


Jules~ said...

oh my goodness! Too funny. I can't point a finger though because I have done that very same thing.
It is of course the store's fault. haa haa
I was just thinking about this, when we were stationed in Okinawa, there were certain parking lots where the driver would park in the slot and then a lift would raise the car so that another could park under it. Sometimes cars would be 4 high. The parking attendant would have control of all the keys incase cars needed to be moved around.
I never dared try to do that one.

Jennifer S said...

This could so easily have been me. I do things like this all the time.

Jules sent me, and I'm glad she did!

Anonymous said...

I must have been born an old lady because I've been doing this stuff all my life!

I can tell by your storytelling that I am going to like it here. Welcome to blogging!

Mima said...

Hi Jules sent me over, really enjoyed your post, so easy to do, and definitely worth a letter to the store!

kelly ann said...

Miss Jules, you are so clever, I was just going to ask you if you are ever so quietly letting people know about the new kid on the block. What a wonderful encourager you are.

kelly ann said...

Jennifer, quilly and mima, thank-you for stopping by. I truly am taking a jump of faith here by letting my words on paper do the talking instead of my mouth. It is a little scary to do.