click your curser by the fish and leave them food to eat

April 14, 2008

Crawl first

Writing is a lot like walking I have discovered. With walking you first learn to crawl. You can’t get very far but it is better than sitting around watching the world go by. As you learn to grab hold of the edge of the table you teeter and sway as you stand, wow the world is so different from this point of view. You fall often as you persist to try again and again to find balance. But with one foot in front of the other you finally take that first magical step. There begins the journey. Slowly at first with great caution, carefully ever so carefully, because you have learned it can be painful to fall on one’s bum. It seems like the learning part takes for ever but before you know it you are running with the big kids.

Writing is the same way; you painfully crawl across the paper, trying to allow the natural flow of thought. With one word in front of another you slowly see sentences start to take shape, though at first not much of it makes sense. You strive to bring color and intention to paper what seem so vivid in your mind. You try again and again to rearrange the words to best express yourself but you continue to fall on your bum. Why does thought flow so easily but words are so constrained? It is hard to put into words ones thoughts and emotions without sounding like gibberish.
I guess one starts as one walks with first a crawl, followed with that teetering stand as you begin to look at the world with a different perspective. At last it all comes together. The magic of written words, taking you to places you never dreamed of going.
You finally get to run with the big kids.


Jules~ said...

This was a great descriptive dance journey. Words are so magical and passionate aren't they?

kelly ann said...

When I grow up I want to write just like you Jules!!! Thank-you for your kind words. Step by step, inch by inch.....I will get there.

Anonymous said...

Well Kelly, your words about the writing process remind me of how I used to think that writing (when it is flowing) must be like composing music or painting--it is work and inspiration and skill and when it comes together there is the thing you are describing that is like art. It is, maybe the human equivalent of creation?

kelly ann said...

bj, what a wonderful thought to ponder.